Nimble Streamer Server Status


Nimble Streamer accepts HTTP calls to control its behavior and to get some stats and other data.

Each call is a GET, POST or DELETE request via HTTP.

As a response you get JSON structure with required data or raw data in case of MP4 archive.


In the /etc/nimble/nimble.conf file, add the following lines to enable the service:

Information Retrieval

Server Status

Request URL: /manage/server_status

Return Values:

Connectionsnumber of active connections
OutRatecurrent transmission speed, bits per seconds
apAvailable processors
sclSystem CPU load
tpmsTotal physical memory size
fpmsFree physical memory size
tsssTotal swap space size
fsssFree swap space size
RamCacheSizeRAM cache size
FileCacheSizeFile cache size
MaxRamCacheSizeMaximum RAM cache size
MaxFileCacheSizeMaximum file cache size

Status of Outgoing Streams

This method allows getting current status of outgoing streams for all supported protocols.

Request URL: /manage/rtmp_status
